PC 61 5.3

categories-Rat cell lines-cryovial-organism-Animal cells-tissue-Spleen-disease–synonyms-PC 61-5-3, PC 61.5.3, PC615.3, PC 61, TIB-222-age–gender–ethnicity–morphology-Lymphoblast-cellType–growth Properties-Suspension-PC 61 5.3 (CLS catalog number 305001)-biosafety Level-1-cultureMedium-DMEM-mediumSupplements-10% FBS-subculturing-Resuspend cell suspension in the flask and take representative aliquote to count the cell number per ml. Dilute cell suspension to 1 x 10^5 cells/ml with fresh medium and transfer into new flasks.-freezeMedium-CM-1 (CLS catalog number 800150)