Multiple types liposarcoma(DDLPS,myxoid liposarcoma,mixed-type liposarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma,well-differentiated liposarcoma) with adipose tissue array, including tumor grade with TNM/stage(AJCC 8th edition), 12 cases/24 cores(core size 2.0mm), replacing SO242-SO242a

Multiple types liposarcoma(DDLPS,myxoid liposarcoma,mixed-type liposarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma,well-differentiated liposarcoma) with adipose tissue array, including tumor grade with TNM/stage(AJCC 8th edition), 12 cases/24 cores(core size 2.0mm), replacing SO242
Multiple types liposarcoma(DDLPS,myxoid liposarcoma,mixed-type liposarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma,well-differentiated liposarcoma) with adipose tissue array, including tumor grade with TNM/stage(AJCC 8th edition), 12 cases/24 cores(core size 2.0mm), replacing SO242