Intestine cancer cell lines

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categories-Intestine cancer cell lines-cryovial-organism-Human-tissue-Colon ascendens, UICC IIIa-disease-Primary adenocarcinoma, TNM stage T3N0M1R0L0V0, grading G3, Lk(n) + 0, ? Lk(n) 34-synonyms-HROC69P-age-62 years-gender-Male-ethnicity-Caucasian-morphology-Epithelial-like-cellType–growth Properties-Adherent-HROC69 (CLS catalog number 300828)-biosafety Level-1-cultureMedium-DMEM:Hams F12-mediumSupplements-10% FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine-subculturing-Remove medium and rinse the adherent cells using PBS without calcium and magnesium (3-5 ml PBS for T25, 5-10ml for T75 cell culture flasks). Add TrypLE Express (1-2ml per T25, 2.5ml per T75 cell culture flask), the cell sheet must be covered completely. Incubate at 37 ?C for 10 to 15 minutes. Carefully resuspend the cells with medium (10 ml), centrifuge for 3 min at 300xg, resuspend cells in fresh medium and dispense into new flasks which contain fresh medium. This cell line will result in single cell suspension.-freezeMedium-CM-ACF (CLS catalog number 800650)



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