HHC6548 T1 M1

categories-Intestine cancer cell lines-cryovial-organism-Human-tissue-Colon ascendens, UICC IIIc, Established from a patient-derived xenograft of primary CRC tissue (Colon ascendens, TNM stage T3N2MX, grade G3).-disease-Adenocarcinoma-synonyms–age-26 years-gender-Male-ethnicity-Caucasian-morphology-Epithelial-like-cellType–growth Properties-Adherent -HHC6548 T1 M1 (CLS catalog number 300832)-biosafety Level-1-cultureMedium-DMEM:Hams F12-mediumSupplements-10% FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine-subculturing-Remove medium and rinse the adherent cells using PBS without calcium and magnesium (3-5 ml PBS for T25, 5-10ml for T75 cell culture flasks). Add Accutase (1-2ml per T25, 2.5ml per T75 cell culture flask), the cell sheet must be covered completely. Incubate at ambient temperature for 8-10 minutes. Carefully resuspend the cells with medium (10 ml), centrifuge for 5 min at 300xg, resuspend cells in fresh medium and dispense into new flasks which contain fresh medium.-freezeMedium-CM-ACF (CLS catalog number 800650)