HaCaT-ras II-4

categories-HaCaT cells and derivatives-cryovial-organism-Human-tissue-Skin-disease–synonyms-HaCaT-ras clone II-4, HaCaT II-4, II-4-age-62 years-gender-Male-ethnicity-Caucasian-morphology–cellType-Keratinocyte-growth Properties-Adherent-HaCaT-ras II-4 (CLS catalog number 300495)-biosafety Level-1-cultureMedium-DMEM-mediumSupplements-10% FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine, 4.5 g/L glucose-subculturing-Remove the culture medium and rinse the adherent cells using PBS without calcium and magnesium (3-5 ml PBS for T25, 5-10ml for T75 cell culture flasks). Add freshly prepared 0.05% EDTA solution, 1-2ml per T25, 2.5ml per T75 cell culture flask, the cell sheet must be covered completely, and incubate at 37 ?C for 10 min. Add freshly prepared trypsin/EDTA, 0.05%/0.025% solution *2 (1ml per T25, 2.5ml per T75 cell culture flask), the cell sheet must be covered completely. The cells must detach within 1-2 minutes. Stop the trypsin activity using FBS-containing cell culture medium. Dispense into new flasks which contain fresh cell culture medium.-freezeMedium-CM-1 (CLS catalog number 800150)